Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dear God...are you "telling me" or are you "testing" me?!

I haven't blogged lately....sorry. It' s just that lately my thoughts and emotions have been a little to private for the public. But I promised a blog, so here it goes :)

You ever had an encounter with God where he showed you something so clearly, so vividly and then things began to align ever so perfectly with everything you thought he was saying? I mean, things just fell into place! Like, God confirms you are going to receive a car and out of nowhere your credit score is up, you start receiving money from unexpected places, and just like that you're driving out of the dealership...only to get into a full blown accident. 

Crazy! Right? ...sometimes I ask myself, "God why would you allow me to achieve so much in a lane where I would ultimately fail?"

One too many times I've skipped happily down paths only to turn around and crawl painfully back up. I can honestly say I used to have a certain type of resentment toward God for allowing certain situations to transpire so effortlessly within my life. However, I can't say each time was God's fault. Sometimes, I willingly made a wrong turn down a road I was told to steer clear of failing the direction God gave me. 

With that being said, I find myself at a crossroads. I've been so quiet lately trying to listen intently to the instructions he is giving. I find myself questioning whether he is telling me to move or patiently waiting to see if I will be still. But I realized that often times I question what he tells me when I am uncomfortable with the instruction. I become apprehensive when I see difficulty or potential pain on the horizon.

It can be difficult to continue listening to God, especially when you don't like what he's saying. So tonight I asked God why...why on earth does he continually create situations and direct me into complicated paths.

God revealed that nothing is ever out of order! When he is telling you to do something, things will fall into place, ways will be made, his plans will manifest in the natural in a way that only the spiritual realm would understand. What he made me realize is that even those situations that he set up to hurt me, worked out for my good. Sometimes God has to break us apart, to deposit something within. Sometimes there's no other way to get to what's already inside us waiting to be activated. I realized that he will give me the perfect walking shoes, and tell me to walk into a storm, just because he wants me to understand and be comfortable with getting wet. All because wet is a part of the next level. That's how he works! His ways are higher!

I've learned not to get so caught up on the process, but to instead be clear on the purpose of whatever the Spirit leads me to do. 

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