Thursday, September 18, 2014

That hurt, didn't it?

This one time, I stuck my fingernail into an electric socket. I still have the scar as a reminder that sockets are not to be played with lol

I know what you're thinking, "where were your parents?"...well, the crazy thing is, well before I embarked on electrocuting myself, my parents distinctly told me to STOP sticking things into the socket. They even went so far as to put those little clear plastic things in them. But that wasn't going to stop me! Nope, I was 7 years old and fully capable of removing all protective measures that they'd put in place. 

To answer your question, my parents were out. Date night perhaps? I'm not sure. But my oldest brother was babysitting me. He was 15 years old at the time, and when it happened he was right there. The first thing he said was, "That hurt, didn't it?" ...and it did! 

Ok, so what's the point I'm attempting to make here...I'm glad you asked!

God is literally like the best dad ever, even better than mine (...and my Daddy is pretty freakin AWE-some). He protects us, often times from ourselves. He uses his Holy Spirit to communicate with us about things we should stay away from and paths to avoid. Sometimes he will even go as far as to literally put barriers between us and the pain we seek to inflict on ourselves. 

The problem is, sometimes our curiosity outweighs God's caution. Sometimes we want to know exactly what it feels like to touch a power that could kill us instead of listening to the power that lives within us!

I've had so many casual conversations with friends, read (and written) paragraph long text messages about lessons that we just can't seem to learn without "sticking our finger in the socket". I define a socket situation as something God specifically told you to stay away from. You know, that person, that place, that thing that you know God said, "don't touch that, stay away from that!". 

I know you have a socket...I actually want you to take a second right now if you're reading this and visualize your socket. Yep. Now, realize that the longer you keep that source of electricity in your midst and continue to ignore the power of God, you run the risk of being electrocuted. 

So many times we find ourselves hurt by things we just can't seem to leave alone! Looking back, not just at the scar on my finger, but at the scars on my heart that took so long to heal, I realize that they could have been avoided had I listened to my parent (God). Sometimes you don't understand his direction, but it is imperative to trust his plan for your life. 

One thing I can say I am proud of, is that it only takes once for something to electrocute me before I leave it alone. I know so many people who become repeat offenders, who become accustomed to the pain. Don't be that guy. Tap into the spirit of God within you and listen! Listen hard! The word says he will never leave you nor forsake you, it says he has plans to give you hope and a future. Live in expectancy. 

When you let God lead you, it doesn't just mean toward something, often times it means away from something too. If God said leave it alone, do just that. 

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