Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dear God...

I was supposed to be writing a deep inspirational post. It was gonna be composed using all the notes I've been taking lately during private bible study...but I changed my mind. I just want to write to/about that's what I'm gonna do.

God is crazy good. His love surpasses anything I've ever been able to feel in this moment. Not sure what it is, there was nothing especially spectacular about today except for I felt him in it. That's how it's been lately. I've just been grateful and ridiculously happy. I always wondered what peace that surpasseth  all understanding felt like...this is it. I have no clue what's gonna happen next week, or next month, or next year. But I'm ok with that. The only plan I have, is to submit to his plan.

I've come to the place where not only do I watch God give me the desires of my heart, but the desires I have are changing. I realized that now that my heart is completely after God, there's nothing that I desire that he doesn't desire for me. We're on the same page, I'm finally in the right book. I refuse to leave this place.

He is love. I know that now better than ever. I finally get it. It's finally enough. I just feel so undeserving. After so many mistakes. After I took so long to pay attention. After I took so long to submit. He waited for me...smh. I love Him. I want this for everyone. I just wish I could give them(you) this feeling, this freedom. But I can't...only He can. So I plan to do the next best thing, I want to show you. My life is an ode to the love of God. A witness to the extraordinary favor he can bestow should you allow him. #WatchHimWork


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