Sunday, March 8, 2015

I don't want it to "Look Right,"...I want it to "Be Right"

My drafts section has about 7 entries...I've been blogging for the past 4 months and have not posted 1 thing I've written lol. I think those were cleansing months for me, a chance for God to put things in perspective.

One of the things he's shown me is that when he is doing something in your life, you're a vessel and he is the one that determines what is delivered. When you alter that process, it is as if you contaminate the blessing he's trying to give. I realize more and more that God does not need my help, he needs my trust.

Transparent moment: I had no clue what "Cool Saved Chicks" was about. I had no clue what I was supposed to really do or the shape and form it was supposed to take. I just knew that God said "Start."

That's how it can be tho...sometimes God will tell you to take a step without revealing the staircase. And that's alright. What's wrong is that many times when we don't see the staircase, instead of waiting for God to reveal, we create our own next step. Sometimes we look at others staircases and even begin to mimic their steps.

When God is doing something great, something new, something that "eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard" won't look like everyone else's picture. When you take the time to piece together what you think God's promised you, it may look right, but it won't be right. As a matter of fact, it won't even feel right.

Growing in God I've learned that it's like I'm a brush, and God is the hand. He uses me to collect paint (situations, circumstances that I've gone through), and then creates strokes with my life to paint a picture that He ultimately will get the glory out of. I've learned that it's ok to be the brush. It is an honor to allow him to use my life to draw others closer to him.

Whether it's a relationship, or a business, or a ministry, when you begin to to be the hand instead of finding solace in being the brush, you run the risk of altering the picture. Altering the picture and  redefining your own path means the possibility of missing out on your God given purpose.

In the past couple of months I've committed myself to listening to God and following him, instead of my own ideas about what he wants. The more I listen, the more he reveals :) I'm excited.

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