Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cool Saved Chicks Call

Hello to all the ladies that I talk to every week, many that I have never seen face to face *waves*

Tonight, I'm taking the time to celebrate a woman who has been very special in my spiritual growth, so there will be no call tonight, but I wanted to write you! (ps. the call has been rescheduled for Thursday)

A few things that have been on my heart and in my spirit that I wanted to share:

We are in the 8th month of the year. Every time I see the number 8, i'm reminded of the spiritual meaning which is new beginnings. From the onset of August, there were so many uncertainties in my midst, but God is constant. I've learned that when you focus on God, when you direct your attention to what is stable, you don't lose your balance. Focusing on the consistent presence of God means you don't lose your peace in the midst of everything moving around you.

I need you ladies to focus. Focus on exactly who God is. Focus on exactly what he's done. Focus on exactly who he made you to be.

And just in case you forgot...he made you righteous. He put you in good standing. He justified you. He calls you blessed. That means, no matter what you've done, no matter what you're doing, no matter what happens, he planned for it. He made provision for you. His word says "All things work together for good"...that means even the things that don't feel so good. Remember he loves you. There is nothing you could do to cause him to leave you or forsake you.

But the thing I wanted most to tell you tonight, is that I feel there is a season of turnaround. A season of repositioning, a season of seeing the very things we have prayed for. So don't give up now, don't settle for anything less that what he promised.

Remember, "faith worketh patience"...If you believe, you will wait for exactly what he said he would give to you. It's coming.

I love you all!!!! And I am soooooo looking forward to talking and hearing from you this Thursday!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

You Need Deodorant

Last weekend I left the house with no deodorant on. It was a game time decision! Lol

It was 90 degrees (at 10am) and I was halfway out of my neighborhood. My conscious kept saying "go back Shardae, you aint gonna make it Shardae..." but the whole time I'm thinking "you can't be late, you can not be late...don't be the late girl"

I was headed to a shoot for a promo video, and given my new inclined "early is on time, and on time is late" mentality, I could not fathom being that girl that shows up strolling in while everyone awaits her arrival to get started.

But as I made a U-turn, I realized that was exactly what I might be...I needed deodorant! I got back to the house, and literally had to search for it smh...it wasn't where I thought I left it. I found it though, and generously applied it before leaving the house again.

I shot the producer a text letting him know I was running late, and arrived 15 minutes behind schedule. But guess what...they hadn't started, as a matter of fact they were still awaiting the arrival of other crew members...all I could do was laugh. I laughed even harder when 80% of the shoot was outside in the 90 degree heat!

As crazy as it seems, God really showed me something in that moment. So often I've been in such a rush to get to certain places in my life that I've literally been willing to compromise not having everything I need when I actually get there. I can get so caught up on meeting MY deadline, that I neglect key elements essential to the actual assignment.

Could I have made it without deodorant? I'm sure I could have. But I am also very certain I would have been musty. Likewise, with every aspect of life I realize settling is possible but yields uncomfortable results. Could I make enough money at a job I'm not purposed for? I'm sure I could. But I am certain I wouldn't be happy. Could I marry a man that isn't as spiritually mature as I am? I'm sure I could. But I am certain I would never be truly fulfilled.

Listen to your spirit when it says you need to turn around. When God sends you back to the beginning, it's to solidify a foundation needed for where you're going. You need deodorant.

It's ok to start over. It's ok to go back and get exactly what you need to carry out the plan for your life. Not only is it ok, It is necessary. DO NOT be afraid to turn around, what you're rushing to is not impeded by waiting for you. Why not arrive prepared.

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Trees Don't Mourn Leaves...

"You can't connect to everything you touch..."

That's what my spirit told me. Growing spiritually and walking in love and light will have you feeling like you have to take every single person where God is taking you. Wrong. 

God's been showing me that sometimes a blessing is like this big party that He's throwing and you don't always get a plus 1. Often times when you bring someone with you to a party, you inadvertently give that person your attention instead of the event at hand. God won't chance that. He loves you too much not to help you realize your purpose. God will call you apart to come alone, just so he has your undivided attention. 

And another thing...

The people along the way that you meet, that you help, that you pour into are all very important but that doesn't mean you spend your time continually connected to them. Your job is to show them God, and let God do the rest. You can't be God. I'm learning unless my spirit leads me to do something, I'm out of order. I (Shardae) can want to pray for someone, I (Shardae) can want to assist with something, but when God says no, I'm acting out of my flesh and connecting to something I'm no longer supposed to be touching. 

I was in prayer today and God revealed to me that not everyone allowed in my life will stay there. Often times after the season is over, those people will be released. He said to me, "Have you ever seen a tree mourn it's leaves?" ...and the answer is no. More leaves will come. I will connect with them, but like a tree, I am constantly rooted in God. And as they fall, I must remain rooted and in expectation of the new growth that is about to take place...

#KeepGoing #KeepGrowing

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I don't want it to "Look Right,"...I want it to "Be Right"

My drafts section has about 7 entries...I've been blogging for the past 4 months and have not posted 1 thing I've written lol. I think those were cleansing months for me, a chance for God to put things in perspective.

One of the things he's shown me is that when he is doing something in your life, you're a vessel and he is the one that determines what is delivered. When you alter that process, it is as if you contaminate the blessing he's trying to give. I realize more and more that God does not need my help, he needs my trust.

Transparent moment: I had no clue what "Cool Saved Chicks" was about. I had no clue what I was supposed to really do or the shape and form it was supposed to take. I just knew that God said "Start."

That's how it can be tho...sometimes God will tell you to take a step without revealing the staircase. And that's alright. What's wrong is that many times when we don't see the staircase, instead of waiting for God to reveal, we create our own next step. Sometimes we look at others staircases and even begin to mimic their steps.

When God is doing something great, something new, something that "eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard"...it won't look like everyone else's picture. When you take the time to piece together what you think God's promised you, it may look right, but it won't be right. As a matter of fact, it won't even feel right.

Growing in God I've learned that it's like I'm a brush, and God is the hand. He uses me to collect paint (situations, circumstances that I've gone through), and then creates strokes with my life to paint a picture that He ultimately will get the glory out of. I've learned that it's ok to be the brush. It is an honor to allow him to use my life to draw others closer to him.

Whether it's a relationship, or a business, or a ministry, when you begin to to be the hand instead of finding solace in being the brush, you run the risk of altering the picture. Altering the picture and  redefining your own path means the possibility of missing out on your God given purpose.

In the past couple of months I've committed myself to listening to God and following him, instead of my own ideas about what he wants. The more I listen, the more he reveals :) I'm excited.