Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Someone told me I should start blogging a long time ago...Her name was Kara. I didn't listen. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to...I guess back then I really did not have anything of substance to say.

Anywho...iWrite. I've never been able to completely convey my thoughts verbally as well as I could with characters *shrugs* I have no clue where this blogging thing will go...I'm not sure I will share... but my spirit told me to write...today. So here I am...writing lol

I do believe I am at the height of a spiritual journey. Each day I learn a new lesson, I begin to see God in a different way. His love and his ways amaze me in ways I only dreamed about. What started out as an uncomfortable process has truly become a lifestyle. I guess it's time to keep track of where I'm going, to reflect on where I've been.

It's ironic that today is the first day of April...this really weird thing has been going on where the number "4" has developed notable significance within my life in the past few weeks. I'm excited about the 4th month...I'm more excited to document whatever journey is to come.

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